Financial Times: “Immigration is back in the US”

According to a recent article by Tana Foroohar in the Financial Times “Immigration is back in the US.” Ms. Foroohar, a Global Business Columnist and an Associate Editor at Financial Times (“FT”) takes note that the country is returning to “pre-Trump, pre-pandemic rates of immigration” which is wonderful to news to fight inflation and promote economic and labor force growth. Ms. Foroohar’s research points to a 2020 paper by the Dallas Fed which notes that “the future of American growth exceptionalism (relative to Europe and other rich countries) may be largely down to the future of immigration.”

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South China Morning Post: “The evidence is clear: anti-immigration is bad for economic growth”

Immigration is key to economic growth, argues Jason Furman, professor of the practice of economic policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers for the Obama administration, in a recently published opinion piece. In the piece, Furman says that the rise of populist nationalism (and anti-immigrant sentiment) in societies around the world will ultimately cause their economies to suffer.

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