Lack of Immigration Reform is a ‘Catastrophe’ According to US Labor Secretary

As global political and economic leaders gather at The World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland (“Davos”), US Labor Secretary Martin “Marty” Walsh called attention to the fact that “we need immigration reform in America" during a panel session on the future of jobs. As a champion of immigrants and advocate for immigrant rights and opportunities throughout his public career Mr. Walsh recognizes the importance of immigration within our economy.

The Labor Secretary warned in October of last year that “if we don’t solve immigration ... we’re talking about worrying about recessions, we’re talking about inflation.” As we continue to deal with inflation seeping into every aspect of our daily lives, Mr. Walsh noted “the threat to the American economy long-term is not inflation, it's [about] immigration…it's not having enough workers.”

It is time our Congressional leaders heed Mr. Walsh’s warning that it will be a "bigger catastrophe" for the economy if Congress does not pass a bipartisan "comprehensive immigration reform" package. “Getting immigration all tied up” in politics is a mistake. As Mr. Walsh has wisely summarized, “America has always been a country that has depended on immigration…right now we don't have good immigration policy." It is time for immigration reform.